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Tips before travelling to Indonesia

Do you want to spend your holiday in Indonesia? I think it is the best choice. There are some tips before travelling to Indonesia.
  1. Health: Make sure you are healthy. Health makes enjoy your travelling. Drinking a lot of water and consume some vitamins to keep your body healthy.
  2. Visa & Passport: Make sure you have valid visa and passport for travelling.
  3. Airplane: Make sure you have the final destination of choosing the best airplane for your travelling.
  4. Money Changer: Make sure you have the currency of Indonesia. The currency of Indonesia is Rupiah. You can change your money into Rupiah in Money Changer.
  5. Tourism Guide: Make sure you know the city, cuisine, etc by reading this book. Then, make sure you have contacting agent for your travelling in Indonesia.
Dos & Don’ts: Before go to Indonesia. It is better for you to know dos and don’ts in Indonesia. Definitely, countries have different dos and don’ts.

Take off your shoes when entering a mosque or temple
Take off your sunglasses inside someone's house, unless you have an eye disease.
Use your right hand when receiving something from or giving something to someone.
Say ‘thank you’ after asking someone or receiving something from someone.

Calling people by crooking your finger is considered impolite.
Patting someone on the head is not done among adults and should even beavoided with children.
Climbing over monuments or places of worship is considered highly disrespectful.

Don’t do free sex in public places, it is impolite.
Talking with one's hands on one's hips is considered impolite.


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